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What to expect on your first visit.

Talking with a psychologist for the first time can be a daunting experience. We have designed our clinic to make you feel as comfortable as possible when you first walk in. To make your experience easier, here are some of the things you can expect.


There’s no need to prepare anything.

Don’t feel under any pressure to prepare any information before your session. All you need to do is turn up with an open mind and our team will help you through the process.


Come 15 minutes early to complete your paperwork.

As with most services, we have a bit of paperwork for you to fill out. This can also assist in directing you towards any rebates you may be eligible for. We have a comfortable space for you to complete the paperwork and our team will be available to give you any assistance if you need. You can also enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while you do it.


Your Psychologist will introduce themselves and ask you some questions.

Your first session will last approximately 50 minutes. In it your psychologist will get to know you and together you will set your goals for the type of changes you wish to see in your life. Depending on what you are looking to improve, they may ask questions about your childhood, family or past history.


If you don’t feel comfortable answering all these questions in this session that’s okay, together you and your Psychologist will work towards that together.


During this session your psychologist will be able to explain the type of therapy they will be using to help you towards your goals and answer any questions you have about it.


At the end of the session your psychologist will recommend a treatment plan.

The frequency of your visits depends on the changes you are looking to make. At the end of this first session your psychologist will make a recommendation on how often you should visit, and anything you should work on, or look out for, in the time in between.

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